Things that Completely Destroy your Content

You might have already study about How to create your articles interesting and beautiful but here I will determine how not to destroy it. So what are you waiting of? Let’s plunge in.


Here are the things which will draw up all of the taste from your articles:

1) Dismissing Title

Many blog writers try to get free of that creating job and they create just for the sake of publishing. They don’t invest more than 10 seconds on determining their Article subject. While the heading of an Article is simply like its central source, nobody will trouble to open your post if the heading is not interesting enough.

2) Repeating

Time is income and Money is Time, do not duplicate your lines as well as phrases. Rather, make long phrases, short and accurate. Repetition does not wasting your times but also create your Content extremely dull.

3) Very Small

As I have mentioned that Time is revenue, attempt maintain the length of your contents from 400 to 600 Words. Don’t compose short posts that will not convey full understanding and also avoid creating quite long content that will bore out the audience.

4) Punctuation

Spelling errors could make you look dull earlier Readers and grammatic errors will totally changes the indicating of your articles. It'll make your Content hard to know. So take care about such problems.

5) No Format

Not just your Blog need to be user friendly however your content should be quickly understandable quite. If your content is not correctly formatted then it will be hard for visitors to read it so they will simply close the tab and go away. Ensure your contents is completely visible.

7) Keywords Stuffing

It not just annoys your visitors but will also make you appearance dubious in front of Google.There are nowadays things like Keyword thickness that decide the standard of the blog. So if you are applied to things your content with key words then chances are you best stop otherwise Google will penalize their website.

8) Being Self-interested

Composing for Search Engines , not providing helpful important information , placing so many affiliate links , pressing visitors to get your referrals , betraying all of them by writing false ratings etc.
As you know that contents is the King, so you need to really give value to it. Articles can make or separate your running a blog Career , it can create you a hero in the vision of audience and it may also go another way over. Always care about your readers if you want them understand your Content and stay on your website always.